We were proud to be a part of National School Choice Week. Students participated by entering a poster and essay contest about “What Makes My School Special” Winner of the 3rd and 4th grade selections was Joey Peterson and Winner of the 5th and 6th grade selections was Nick Khot. Winner of the poster contest was Emma Jackson. See photos and work below:
What Makes My School Special
Have you ever heard of a school where you have the freedom to make your own choices? If you haven’t, then you have never heard of Children’s House Montessori (CHM). The Children’s House Montessori school has a world class curriculum, admirable staff and frolic filled activities.
Maria Montessori was born August 31, 1870. Maria was a well educated child. She was to grow up and do something extraordinary. She became the first European woman physician, but gave up that life for the love of children. In 1907, Maria had a dream. The dream was to make students excited to come to school and learn. Over 100 years later the dream still lives on. That one dream inspired tens of thousands of people to open 22,000 schools in over 110 states and countries. Resting on Alamance road is a school that believes in that dream.
The activities at Children’s House Montessori are unique. The projects are amusing and the work is thought provoking. The assignments are unlike regular assignments, the teachers find a way to make the assignments more challenging but at the same time more exciting so that when the students come into the class they come in with smiles.
Teachers at Children’s House Montessori care about the children. They wake up happy, looking forward to the day not for the money but for the students. The Montessori method of teaching aims for the fullest possible development of the whole child, ultimately preparing him/her for life’s journeys.
Children’s House Montessori is a school of learning and discipline. The school teaches important life lessons. Many successful entrepreneurs, including the founders of Wikipedia, Amazon and Google, were Montessori students. There’s one question you need to ask yourself, would you enroll here? Or a better question might be why wouldn’t you?
BY: Nicholas Khot